Stay at Home Challenge - week 1
My dear Creative Friends,
I hope you are doing fine at your end of the world! Here in France, we are in complete lock down for at least 2 weeks, we are only allowed to do some grocery shopping and walk the dog. I feel grateful that our family is safe and home together. My son came back from Holland, where Universities closed as well. All three are doing Distant learning now, the weather is quite beautiful and I suddenly have a lot more time on my hands so it could be worse! Hope this virus will stay far away from all of us and this period will pass quickly. I find it quite surreal.
I thought it would be cool if we could paint together but I am so not technical that I haven’t found out yet how to do that (I could go live on IG (if I have the courage..) but then you only see me and I don’t see you paint. For the moment, let’s explore a colour palette together!
I am always inspired by weathered surfaces so let’s take that as inspiration! I will post new inspiring pictures as long as we are stuck at home. You can choose your own subject in any medium you have at hand! If you have kids, let them join us too!
colour palette I used
I love these greyed down colours! And I think it is a good exercise in colour mixing too! If you want to grey down your colours, think about adding a tiny bit of the complementary colour in your mix. So add a bit of red in your green mix to grey down the green (a bit of orange in your blue mix and a bit of yellow in your purple mix).
I used:
Cadmium Orange, Raw Sienna, Transparent Oxide Orange, Paynes Grey, Prussian Blue, Titanium White and Titanium Buff
No need to run to the shop (you are not allowed any way..), use whatever you have! It is just an inspiration so it is totally allowed to add other colours!
My final painting
If you need some reference pictures of figures or faces, I have made some boards on Pinterest.
Let’s use the hashtag #stayathomecreativechallenge to regroup all our paintings on Instagram, or if you are not on IG, post them in my Cold Wax Creative Community on Facebook (even if they are not in Cold wax!!)
If you are not on FB nor on IG, send me the paintings by email,
Be sure to check my blogpost on Saturday for a new colour palette!
I hope you will join us!!
xox, Marina
PS. if you want to join me on instagram: