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Read the latest tips, tricks and tutorials on cold wax & acrylics!
Here I share my musings on all things related to the use of Cold Wax Medium and Water-based cold wax. If you want to know more on painting with one of the two, you are in the right place! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and send me a message and if you want to receive regular blog up dates and news form my studio, sign up for my ‘monthly Cold Wax Lab Newsletter!
I would love for you to join my community and make this cold wax journey together!
Lately, I have been painting with water-based cold wax, which can be mixed with acrylics. I have discovered that you can achieve many of the same effects as with oils and cold wax medium. So, if you are an acrylic painter who enjoys layering and creating texture, subscribe to my email list. I will continue to share my discoveries with you!