Welcome to my blog
Read the latest tips, tricks and tutorials on cold wax painting in oils and acrylics!
Here I share my musings on all things related to the use of Cold Wax Medium and Water-based cold wax. If you want to know more on painting with one of the two, you are in the right place! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and send me a message and if you want to receive regular blog up dates and news form my studio, sign up for my ‘monthly Cold Wax Lab Newsletter!
I would love for you to join my community and make this cold wax journey together!
Of course you can buy your cold wax medium but it is not so
difficult (and cheaper) to make it yourself!
Latest on the B.L.O.G.
Getting started with cold wax medium - a creative journey
Join us in my New Online Class ‘Getting Started with Cold Wax Medium’! I created this course for those who are new to painting with Cold Wax Medium, BUT I am sure that even those of you who are more experienced, will enjoy the class as a refresher of all the techniques that can be used to create beautiful layered paintings!
How to make cold wax medium
DiY cod wax medium, you will find the recipe with the cold wax medium ingredients in this blog post and make your own home made cold wax medium in no time!
How to draw a portrait using a Scale divider
I have made a tutorial about how I draw and enlarge my portraits using a scale divider. It really is a magical tool and so much help getting your proportions right!
How to paint flowers in cold wax and oils
In this free cold wax medium course, I show you step by step how to paint abstract flowers using different Cold Wax Medium techniques and tools.
Must have Apps for every painter
In this blog post, you will find the must have apps which help you to progress in your painting process, whether it is in cold wax and oils or acrylics.
Effective solutions for storing wet artwork
Effective solutions for storing your wet art work, so that your workspace stays clean and you can work on several paintings at the same time, like we often do in cold wax medium and oils
Cold wax portrait painting
A portrait painting can drastically change during the process! This portrait in cold wax medium and oils went through a lot of different stages, becoming almost a mixed media portrait.